Staking bonuses and penalties


DefiFactory staking has several staking bonuses available:

  1. Longer pays better: if you stake for 10 years you will get 40% minimal APY. If you stake for 1 year, your APY will be 13%. It is recommended to stake as long as possible.

  2. Smaller pays better: if you stake small amount for example 1,000 DEFT you will be getting 50% APY (on 10 year stake). If you staked more than 1,000,000 DEFT your apy will fall to 40%. It is recommended to split your stake to a small pieces less than 1,000,000 DEFT


  1. Early end stake (EES): This penalty is starting from 100% and decreasing to 0% as your stake ends. If you end your stake on the very first day, you will lose everything. If you end your stake a day before stake ends you will get 99% back. It is recommended to never early end stake

  2. Late end stake (LES): This penalty applies if you forgot to end your stake after it is matured. Penalty increases at the rate of 5% per month after 30 days grace period. It is recommended to end your stakes within 30 days after maturing.

Last updated