Problems with CD implementations

HEX was the first crypto token implemented CD idea using smart contracts on Ethereum network in Q4 2019. A year later WiseToken implemented similar version of CD staking.

However there have been several problems that we noticed:

  1. Fixed inflation: Inflation is ~4% per year which gives you floating APY depending on how many people staked in the system. If you staked today, you can't be sure that APY today will remain the same after a year or later. More people staked will reduce APY for everyone.

  2. Only Ethereum network: Staking is available on Ethereum network only which creates barrier entry for new people because of expensive network fees.

  3. Disabled stake transfers: In hex or wisetoken you aren't able to transfer your stakes to someone else

  4. Bigger pays better: Incentivizes whales as it pays you higher interest if you are a whale.

  5. No scraping interest: In hex you aren't able to scrape your interest however this feature has been added in wisetoken.

Last updated